
Top Documents

Sample Syllabus

Multiple different format, assignment, and grading approach examples offer inspiration as you decide how to best integrate Statecraft in your class.

Instructor Manual

A comprehensive manual that houses all the information you need to run Statecraft in your class with awesome results. Covers both online and in-person class formats.

Debrief Questions

The full list of questions for the Debriefing Presentation. It's an end of semester assignment that’s become an instructor favorite in online classes! 

Sign-up Walk-through Video

A step-by-step walkthrough of the sign-up process with verbal explanations. For IR, IR Lite, International Security, and International Organizations sims.

Sim Success Tips Screenshot

A compilation of the top tips for online class success. These ideas come directly from your user feedback about what works best from your actual class experience! 

Additional Resources by Product


95 Question Auto-Graded Test Bank

Take advantage of your extensive question test bank: it's built into student accounts and automatically graded by the Statecraft System.

Grading Recommendations

Ideas to make grading easy and accurate. Includes suggestions for how to grade both student participation and performance.

Large Class Tips

Ways to optimize large classes running multiple simulations. Applicable to classes with 300 to 1,000+ students.


Grading Recommendations

Ideas to make grading easy and accurate. Includes suggestions for how to grade both student participation and performance.


Question Bank for U.S. Gov Sims

Over 20 interesting questions or prompts for discussion, papers, debriefing, presentations and exams.

Instructor Overview

Highlights the major concepts that are taught in the simulation with descriptions and examples.


These are our MUN Digital Assistant instructor resources. You’ll receive the student guide library when you sign up for the MUN Digital Assistant. 

Success Tips

A compilation of our top suggestions for your Model United Nations class success.

Talking Points

Offers talking points for instructors with all levels of MUN class experience including learning outcomes.

Still on the hunt for a resource? Book a demo!

If you’re looking for information that’s not on this page yet, please reach out so we can help.

We love to hear from you and are happy to answer all of your questions. We also want to hear your suggestions and great ideas; you could inspire us to create new resources for everyone! 

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